Building the brand MYAH

Case Study

We always say that brand naming is like baby naming...

It’s deeply subjective, everyone is likely to have an opinion.

It’s feelings-based, you can apply all the theory in the world but it usually comes down to how it makes you feel.

You’re going to be stuck with it for a long time, so you’d better be happy with it.

So how do you get it right?

Here’s how we developed a stand-out name for co-founders, who approached us about building a brand for their property management service, powered by data.

What was the ambition?

Their ambition is to redefine the traditional rental experience from a short-term stopgap on your way to a mortgage into an attractive long-term living choice.

So if you want people to put down roots in rental, what story do you want to tell them?

Enter MYAH, which stands for: Make Yourself At Home.

You instantly start a new conversation, communicate your core differentiator clearly and simply which allows all the other brand layers (visuals, messaging, tone of voice etc) to be wrapped around it.

Acronymic names can be a really great way of telling your brand story, but they can also sound overly corporate and be forgettable if you don’t get the right balance.

In MYAH’s case we had a few things working for us:

It’s feminine sounding, which in the ultra-masculine property world would stand out. Plus feminine brand names have been proven to perform better (think Alexa and Zoe)

It’s ownable. The acronym route opens up more possibilities to own the word, therefore rank higher on Google

You can say it as one whole word - an important one to build resonance and help your new name stick in your customers’ minds

Whether you’re picking a new name from scratch, or changing a long-established brand name, there’s no denying it’s a big decision.

Get in touch if you want to talk through your options and find out how our Movement Methodology can help you land on the right new brand name.

“They took the time to understand our industry and delivered sharp and considered brand work that will help us make our mark in the industry.”

Jamie York


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